Explorer's Club


A 1 Year Journey to Deeper Meaning and Stronger Connection


It’s one thing to grow as an individual
It’s something different to grow as a human.




While you DO have to take the first step

You don’t have to do it alone

The Explorer’s Club is a year long adventure encouraging and supporting a vibrant inner life, and an adventurous outer one...culminating in a weekend adventure to Arizona.

How it works

Retreat To Arizona

In November, Explorers from across the country will meet in the desert.Beautiful hiking, delicious meals, yoga in the Arizona sun, meditate on the red rocks and connect for a healing weekend with like-minded explorers.

Daily Meditation

Every day for 365 days, you’ll receive a meditation embracing pop culture, sports, music, and the pulse of everyday reality.This is meditation that feels real and relatable and compels you to create time and space for peace and relaxation.

Daily Mindset Message

Each day, I’ll share a short video inspiring a shift in perspective and a question to reflect on in the day to come.

Monthly Connection

Each month, we’ll have a group conversation to see the faces and hear the voices of those you’ll meet on the Retreat to Arizona in November.

Book Club

Every other month, we’ll focus on books that are classics, or brand new and buzzing in pop culture.

Explorer's Club


A 1 year journey of deeper meaning and stronger connection✅ Retreat To Arizona
✅ Daily Meditations
✅ Daily Mindset Message
✅ Monthly Connection Circle
✅ Bi-Monthly Book Club


$1,975 for a 1 Year Journey

$1,975 for a
1 Year Journey

Your satisfaction is guaranteed. If you don’t love the experience in the first 10 days, we'll refund you in full.

Why take this journey?

  • Look forward to your future (instead of worry about it)

  • Slow down and enjoy life TODAY…instead of racing through another one.

  • Love and respect yourself, because is it worth another year of self-doubt?

  • Be part of a supportive community also seeking positive change.

“Dave’s daily meditations are truly among the healthiest things in my life and have led me to many transformational moments.”

Regan, Houston, TX

“A great opportunity to explore my soul and reflect on the journey.”

Maggie, New York City

About David Romanelli

David Romanelli combines ancient wisdom with stories of art, music, sports and culture to create journeys and meditations that compel you to slow down, relax, and prioritize peace…over pace.He has written three books which have reached #1 on multiple Amazon and Apple Bestseller Lists.


“The Explorer’s Club helped me surrender a lot of my anxious thoughts and showed me it’s ok to let go, have nowhere to be, and nothing to do in this moment except breathe.”

Dawn, Dallas, TX

“For me, it was support on a path of personal and spiritual growth. Community and a daily reminder of what’s important and how I want to redirect and GROW my life. This was HUGE.”

Mike, Chicago, IL

“The number 1 thing I gained was a realization of taking time each day to focus on one thought larger than my day to day issues. Giving myself time each morning to listen to Dave’s stories and focus on the concepts made me more mindful and calm. It also pushed me to think better and do better. And it gave me a routine and a community of fellow meditators.”

Amanda, Atlanta, GA

Explorer's Club


A 1 year journey of deeper meaning and stronger connection✅ Retreat To Arizona
✅ Daily Meditations
✅ Daily Mindset Message
✅ Monthly Connection Circle
✅ Bi-Monthly Book Club


$1,975 for a 1 Year Journey

$1,975 for a
1 Year Journey

Your satisfaction is guaranteed. If you don’t love the experience in the first 10 days, we'll refund you in full.

“I love love love The Explorer’s Club. The daily meditations are a critical daily piece of my well being and mental health.”

Cheryl, Phoenix, AZ